This professor is more of an advisor to students who are from UofI and are studying abroad in Vienna.

I talked to him today in regards to my academic performance, and many interesting topics were brought up. 

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This summer when a friend and I was having a little conversation, he told me that one of the things that he would accomplish was to successfully pursue someone. 

It might rank one of the top on his summer-to-do list, I imagined. I found that interesting.

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It seems the number of readers have dropped by many since I moved. That's perhaps a good thing because it filters out many readers that normally I wouldn't bother interacting with. But then I think about not building up a tall wall for others, and thus this time I keep the barrier to the minimum as well.

I have been thinking about keeping in touch with old friends/and new friends...and blogs do come into minds, especially for old friends...when you stop sharing life or experience, sometimes the spark ceases. Although I know that it may be very possible that it could be reignited once again when the roads cross each other, I would still like to make continuous effort to connect my life to friends.

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一年了,時間過得很快,事情慢慢在進行,而回頭看已經走了好遠的一大段. 我總是感謝有認識寶貝的緣分. 那個暑假我認識了你,慢慢的這段感情有了開始.

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Itchy Poopzkid - The Living (Official Video HQ)


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I really think it's one of the coolest city I have been to! I didn't appreciate the beauty of architect in Chicago much, yet the day when I was walking on my way to Michigan Ave. to get my passport, I found many style pretty and intriguing, in different ways! Bringing a light little suitcase which is too short for me to wheel was still very muscel-killing. Took me about 45 minutes to get to the Austria Embassy, then the gentle man who I had dealt with in June told me both a good news and a bad news- the VISA is issued, and the passport is shipped back last Thursday, so it's not here anymore! 

Then I contacted Yin-Chi and she and her brother helped me get the passport, so that I can actually fly out of the country! Big thanks to them!!

veryjasper 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I might exaggerate a bit there, but in comparison to what I have done in the previous week, I felt that I have done a lot recently.

What I have done previously was just reading casually at home, helping out my parents a bit in the market, and just using my laptop and try to break it down...

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一直想些什麼下來,想記錄些什麼可是都沒有足夠的動能驅使我將其完成. 所以也就現在九月份了才在回顧寫了一些八月所做的事來做個紀錄

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