前陣子 我認識了一位朋友
很成熟,很體貼,很健談,很正面幾乎沒看他不開心過 even though when I met him, he was in a ambiguously tough situation.

我說 “不管你喜歡的女生喜不喜歡你 你都還是一樣嗎?”
我又問 “那如果你知道最後不可能 work out了, 那你會難過嗎”


我們談了一陣子 稍稍做出一個結論: 沒有所謂對錯,那是在有一種標準底下才存在的東西

放下什麼總是容易說, 只是要做到並不是那麼容易. 我覺得了解,真正的了解之後就比較有機會做到.
他告訴我 “你試著think only positive for a week or so, then you will see how different life is.”
“I know, I used to be down the whole time. I have been much better now though”

不知道什麼情況下我跟他說 “you can be generous because you are rich enough to not care about spending money out.” But then he replied “That’s not true; you have no idea of my situation.” Still I think that prevailingly people are self-centered, but there are also quite a few people who care about others-whom they don’t even know-more than themselves.


對於一些少數人我會發神經的問: What do you think life is all about?
也許這是他的回答 “Life has its own definition for everyone. Just like we said, there is no right or wrong.”
Miss this guy.

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