前幾天在想為什麼有時我寫出了"日" 有時 我卻用的是 "號" (幾月幾日 vs 幾月幾號)
比較可惜的是學費,雖然他是sunk cost...是吧?



Econ 302 Midterm I 班平均是62.5,根本就是一個很扯的情形
是我們學校素質太爛? 還是暑假素質爛? 還是這是另一回事?

(而且對方不是女性) anyway..
他在看the art of motorcycle maintenance 和 nothing by chance as references to write his own book.
He is writing a story about how a teenager who is very arrogant and antisocial and feel that he does not need to rely on anyone.
Later on he was drafted to the war and came to realize that he has to get the help from others and helps other in order to survive on the battle field.
While "the art of motorcycle maintenance" is a story about self searching. The title on the cover page is actually "Zen the art of motorcycle maintenance."
He said that the book did not talk explicitly about Zen at all, but as one traveled the U.S..
By knowing how to fix his motorcycle and actually practicing such himself, he became more to the ground.
Knowing better what is the true meaning of life...(I guess)
"Nothing by chance" sounds a bit contradicting to what he is writing, as I later asked him after he told me the storyline of that book.
It was 1968 when a pilot has retired from the air force during the World War I/II for quite a while. Since he is able to live without working, flying patrons interstate is just his personal interest.
Although many held doubts about whether his flight would still work at that point, he still continued on his flying. The freedom to fly where ever he desires really drew Adam's attention.
He talked a bit energetically when he mentioned the part where the pilot could turn to where ever he felt like.
Something I am looking for too...not only just the mere enthusiasm but also the "freedom"
Adam is the guy who I am taking German with.

He drew the conclusion that there was no contradiction as the teenager has nothing to back him up yet the pilot was rich enough that he doesn't rely on working to live.
I had the eagerness to challenge him for that...yet I did not.

He asked me what kind of books I read, "more of self-searching books, religion books, and just essays about people's life," said I.
I read much more broadly(aimlessly), and indeed did not read whole lot of "self-searching book" specifically, but that was undoubtedly what I wanted to read, at this point.
We then talked about religious view, I told him how I hold doubt about Christianity. Because the Bible sort of kept repeating himself and has built all the stories on the assumption that could not be proven.
His response was a bit different but mostly the same as others intellectual Christians.

He mentioned the important of "faith" yet he also talked about the impressionism and suggests that we should read the Bible, the Scripture as a whole.
"Just like the painting of Monet, when you get too close to his painting, you see all the image blurry, but if you just step back a little, then all becomes clear."
"You should not read the Scripture line by line, some of the punishment mentioned in Bible should not necessarily be followed nor practiced."
"It simply just tried to point out how to gain faith, how to avoid losing faith from the God" (I will ask him again to reconfirm for detail shortly)
I haven't had a chance asking him about the contradiction of evolution and the Bible....but he might already have an answer for me just based on what he said this morning...

There was a girl mentioned that she is anti-God (as I remember...). Adam's face expressed a sense understanding; I think he is not surprised or even already used to such.

(There was something missing...semi-important yet I still would like to record it back on)

I talked about my superficial understanding about Buddhism and said "I think Buddhism might not be a religion as essentially there's no God in there religion."
(but to answer that question first I will have to find the definition/or define what religion is)

Not a good thing to think about all these before I am about to go to bed...for my brain will not be able to switch back off.

我想到張惠菁所說的那句話 粗體字的那行

(那"我"呢? --->Jasper自問)
張惠菁"告別"的序 節錄自""
---- 參考閱讀
倒是現在還在看的 The social atom 隱藏的邏輯,

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