The night before I was playing aoe with friends, so I overslept this morning and was waken up by the phone.
It was gorgeous out, almost perfect day for ultimate!

Games didn't start until later on, the first two games our A team just own the opponent, Denton and Northampton.
I was having fun watching and talking on the sideline.
It's my first time went on a field to just watch and chill...

People bought some beers on the side so I had one.
Felt a bit "warm" afterwards.
Then Miles and Kurley brought the grill and burger/hot dog, it is ridiculous, but it was fun and nice to eat!
I don't plan to pay for the burger I ate tho...just don't bother

The real game didn't start till 2 p.m.
The field is now more windy than earlier this morning and we were down by two to the Indiana at the beginning.
Then we soon came back and score was 2 to 2. It was hard to score upwind...just much harder than scoring on a downwind

So the score remains the pattern which we score one, Indiana scores one. and then we take the first half, 8-7.
then they start downwind for the second half and score, 8-8.

The most ridiculous part is the last point when the softcap and hardcap were horned and the score was 10-10, downwind, offense.
Then they caught an disk in the air then immediately threw another one to the end zone then score...
that was ridiculous...

We will have to win three games in a row tomorrow to get the ticket to the nationals! =============================================================================================== Following is an email sent out from a guy on the A team...that's some well written piece there! Date: Sat 28 Apr 22:06:21 CDT 2007 From: Max komnenich Add To Address Book Subject: Re: [ULTIMATE] Tomorrow To: ULTIMATE-L@LISTSERV.UIUC.EDU i love you. On 4/28/07, Pat Stephens wrote: In terms of adversity, there are two kinds of people. There are the people who dwell on things when they get snake-bitten and there are people who look forward to revenge when they get snake-bitten. From this point forward, this very second, are you gonna dwell on this game or are you going to look forward to playing your ass off tomorrow? Your attitude over the next 20 hours is going to determine how well we do. We're a good team fellas. There's nothing to be ashamed of or be sad about after that game. Yes, Indiana won the game fair and square. But I'm not impressed with the team we just played. I'm not impressed that the only times they got the disc upfield is when their giants caught it or they made lucky grabs. Not impressed at all. What I'm impressed with is our team. I'm impressed with the desire that we showed in practice over the past week. I'm impressed the way we popped Notre Dame in the face and then stomped on their throat once they got down. I'm impressed with the fact that we had plenty of chances upwind and downwind to convert, through hucks, through break-side action, through getting it through the zone on multiple occasions on such a windy day. I'm impressed with our team and proud to call you guys teammates. I never saw a lack of focus or intensity, whether you were playing or on the sideline. We have nothing to be ashamed of. That doesn't mean we ever take a team lightly. Every team we play tomorrow is a worthy opponent and very capable of beating us. But when we play to our potential, we can beat anyone in the region. Bottom line: We have a lot of emotions running through us tomorrow. When you lace up tomorrow, you can either let that emotion be of sadness and shock and let it effect your effort. Or you can let that emotion be anger/resolve to prove yourself. Which emotion are you going to exude when we run our first drill tomorrow? It starts with the first throw in cut-tos and ends with us scoring the final point in the game to go to Nationals. Intensity is contagious. Commitment is contagious. Positivity is contagious. And guess what? So is sadness, apathy and whatever other emotion you could associate with being snake-bitten. So not only be pumped for yourself, but also for the good of your teammates. Don't let the attitude we exhibited during stretching of no talking and dwelling carry into tomorrow. It's a big day. Clear your head and be ready for it. Yeah I know this e-mail is sorta long, but I don't give a shit. That's how I roll when I care so much about something. Pat

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