目前分類:Summer 2009 (4)

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總是在什麼快要結束前會有某總壓力而加速, 時候就快要到了就會開始做一些必要性的事情. 總是希望自己能夠變成當下就能夠專注投入的完成一件事情,現在雖然還不能夠,卻也慢慢的有在牛步向前. 

最近的生活不外乎是玩紙牌遊戲以及念書找工作, 暑假待在學校的感覺又和以往不同, 感覺和一些學期中少有交集的朋友比較有互動到. 人少了似乎就像是從三元變成二元簡單很多. 雖簡單,卻也形貌俱在. 

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veryjasper 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

This summer when a friend and I was having a little conversation, he told me that one of the things that he would accomplish was to successfully pursue someone. 

It might rank one of the top on his summer-to-do list, I imagined. I found that interesting.

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For this ART 250 class, we kept everything on the blog, the homework, daily discussion, and our projects.

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