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玩了大概一個星期的 plant vs. zombie,(有興趣的朋友可以上google搜尋,很好早的),讓我想起去年在summer在champaign的前一個月, 我也曾經不眠不休的投身於打電動的事業


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轉貼自: http://ukmybaby.pixnet.net/blog/post/28706790

圖片 2.png

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I did not spent as much time on ultimate than I did in my freshman year. Skipping lots of practice because I am afraid of the hardship in practice.
Honestly, I lost passion to play the sport, but often found myself wrong when I am on the field again.

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I remembered back in the high school, every occasionally on the Wednesday's chapel, some funny kids will be on the stage and hosting a show called "Hump Day Hero." They will announce who is the hump day hero of the week based on the student nomination and the reasoning.

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  • Feb 13 Fri 2009 12:19
  • 要強


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從有問題到沒問題 by 成英姝

金凱瑞的新作《沒問題先生》的預告片裡,有兩個相反的金凱瑞,一個只說no,一個只說yes,中間顯然發生了某件事,讓他從其中一個變成另外一個。我一度以為金凱瑞是從yes man變成no man,因為我的問題是無法好好處理「拒絕」他人這件事。

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  • Jan 11 Sun 2009 11:39
  • 近況


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完成Social Psychology至Chap 11.
預習 前12 Chapter of Accounting 312

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What can I say...
Stuff I just typed dissappeared...for no good...

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蔣介石統治民進黨 by 黃創夏


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"Cherish moments spent with people around you because there are so many people in the world, but they are who you are the closest to."
"People just need to laugh more" --> emotion up and down v.s. stable emotion? 

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